Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Virtual Hair Cut

Hey guys, a friend of mine suggested this site to me because it's really neat!! Its called a virtual hair cut. It is based on full audio through headphones (headphones are a must!!). Everyone definitly needs to listen to this because its amazing how the brain works and picks up a sound and knows exactly where it is coming from. Please do this! You will find this very cool i PROMISE!!:) If you listen to this you must have headphones, and you MUST close your eyes during the whole thing. Sit comfortable, and upright (not lying down on your bed). Make sure your surroundings are quiet so you hear nothing else but what is on the headphones. This is soooo cool so please listen to virtual hair cut and tell me what you guys think!!! Here is the link... Virtual Hair Cut


  1. haha yes my friend found this about a year ago! Pretty crazy


  2. :O! That is amazing! I almost jumped when he whispered in my ear at the end. I liked the matchbox one too; in that one my body became part of the experience and my shoulders tensed when he 'walked around' the back of me. Thanks for sharing!

    PS - I have a 'Bonehead of the Day Award' widget on my iGoogle page, and they just posted about the Virtual Haircut, calling it a Phonehead of the Day Award. Cool beans!
