I believe that these tools on google could benefit an educator because as our society complexes so does the learning process of understanding it. Taking a look myself at the tool options i discovered a whole new world beyond my knowledge of understanding what technology has come to. I mean think about a simple application on google is the calendar. Easy access for the teacher, and easy to edit for any changes. A teacher can struggle with not only keeping her classroom organized but her students due dates also. Believe it or not, it is possble for a teacher to forget about a test date and or assigmnent. Google groups is another really cool application i discovered. This allows student and parents to see important posted information, or host group discussions, etc. My favourite two applications on google though are the blogger and igoogle pages. Blogger allows students and teachers to post, respond, and teach each other a little about themselves. Also, teachers can incorporate this into the learning process for their students based on their age groups. Younger grades may not be able to use this tool til a little later. But older students can learn to use blogs as a way of communicating with fellow students, as long as it is done in a mature and appropriate way. Teachers can evaluate their students based on their participation and willingness to try something new. Teachers need to take that first step and make learning a new experience for a the new generations. Eventually students can learn to post assignments and give eachother feedback. If anyone has anything to add please let me know what you think???
I guess I didn't experiment enough because I never found the Google Groups. I will have to check it out though, it sounds intereseting and helpful.